Editing board

Egamberdiyeva Nodira Melibayevna
Chairman of the Editorial Board
(Editor-in-Chief) – Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor
Abduramanov Khamid Khudaybergenovich
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor
Narbayeva Tanzila Kamalovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Sociological sciences, Professor
Saidova Galina Karimovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor
Shoumarov Ghayrat Bakhramovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Psychological sciences, Professor
Bekmuradov Adkham Sharipovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor
Marufova Gulnora Makhmudovna
Member of the editorial board
Senator, Member of the Senate Committee of the Oliy Majlis on Women and Gender Equality
Musurmanova Aynisa Musurmanovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor
Rakhimova Nigina Khayrullayevna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor
Saidov Akmal Kholmatovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Juridical sciences, Professor
Yakubjanova Dilobar Batirovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor
Tashmukhammedova Diloram Ghafurjanovna
Member of the editorial board
Candidate of Medical sciences
Umirzakov Bakhodir Khamidovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor
Ziyayev Azamad Khamidovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Historical sciences, Professor
Abdusamatov Khasanboy Usmonjon ugli
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Psychological Sciences
Torakulov Ulugbek Holbutayevich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)


International editorial board

Dr. Rashmini Koparkar
Member of the editorial board
Assistant Professor Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies School of International Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Member of the editorial board
New Delhi, India Artamonova Yekaterina Iosifovna Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Dr. Preethi Kesavan
Member of the editorial board
Head, School of Technology London School of Business and Finance, Singapore