Editing board

Egamberdiyeva Nodira Melibayevna
Chairman of the Editorial Board
(Editor-in-Chief) – Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor
Musurmanova Aynisa Musurmanovna
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Narbayeva Tanzila Kamalovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Sociological sciences, Professor
Abduramanov Khamid Khudaybergenovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor
Begimkulov Uzokhboy Shoimkhulovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Farfiyev Bakhromjon Atkhamdjanovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor
Ishkuvatov Valikhul Turdiyevich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Karamyan Marietta Khachaturovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor
Muslimov Narzulla Alikhanovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Nurmatova Mukharram Akhmedovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor
Narmatov Nuriddin Soatmuradovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor
Rakhmankulova Nilufar Khodji-Akbarovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Law Sciences, Assistent Professor
Saydivaliyeva Khurshida Khodjiakbarovna
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Philosophy in Law (PhD)
Atamuratov Rasuldjon Kadirdjonovich
Member of the editorial board
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy (PhD)