Requirements for articles




1.1. This periodical is a journal specializing in the application of interdisciplinary scientific, practical and innovative ideas in the field of strengthening the institutions of makhalla and family, as well as all social issues related to gender equality. The journal publishes the results of research aimed at finding solutions to demographic changes and related issues.

1.2. The editorial board of the journal fully and effectively introduce into society a system based on the principle of “Prosperous and safe mahalla” and implement the idea of “Healthy family - healthy society” in order to ensure peace and harmony in our society.

1.3. The editorial board of the journal adheres to a variety of points of view and opinions, in particular:

– publishes information, articles and materials from legal entities and individuals, as well as trade unions in various social spheres;

– receives letters and appeals from citizens on social issues, scientifically and methodically contributes to ensuring their implementation.

1.4. The editors of the journal ensure that the journal is published in the prescribed manner and on time.

1.5. The journal is published four times a year.

1.6. Articles for publication in the journal are accepted in Uzbek, English and Russian languages.

1.7. The journal was issued a “Certificate of State Registration of Mass Media” dated June 24, 2021 No. 1190 by the Agency of Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


  1. Requirements for the content of articles

2.1. The article must be an integral part of a scientific research work or be focused on an independent scientific-theoretical and scientific-methodological problem, and also be presented in  scientific form.

2.2. A small scientific problem is raised in the article, and its solution is examined from a scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical or scientific-methodological point of view.

2.3. It is recommended to write the article in accordance with the following structure:

The Introduction reflects the social policy of that time, the level of national and international development of science, as well as the relevance of the chosen problem.

Purpose and its justification. Highlighting the main goal of the article, the level of research of the selected problem in science and the specificity of the selected problem are emphasized.

Description and solution of the scientific problem. In this case, scientific sources, scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical facts collected during the research process can be comprehensively analyzed and described, as well as supported by prepared experimental test results and illustrative materials.

In the Conclusion part the scientific and practical significance of the scientifically described problem is drawn.

2.4. The following requirements apply to the content of the article:

2.4.1. The content of the article must reflect the scientific views of the author and be original.

2.4.2. If the article is devoted to the implementation of interdisciplinary fundamental ideas in the field of all social problems, then it should reveal novelty added to existing theories or its improved aspects.

2.4.3. If the article is devoted to scientific and practical research and the implementation of innovative ideas, then it is necessary to substantiate their innovativeness and effectiveness with scientific and practical research results of the experimental work carried out.

2.4.4. If the article is devoted to such sciences as pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, sociology, demography or history, then the ideas and views of the sources studied should be related to the development of developing science and social thought and approached from the point of view of its importance for the modern era.


III. Requirements for article formatting

3.1. The author's last and first name are written on the right side at the top of the page in bold italic size 14 pt, his place of work is written in non-bold italic, as well as the scientific degree and email address are also indicated. The size of the author's photo should be in the format 3.5x4.5.

3.2. The title of the article should be placed in the center of the page in Times New Roman font size 14 pt.

3.3. The text of the article should be typed in Times New Roman font size 14 pt.

3.4. Page margins: 2 cm on top and bottom, 3 cm on the left side, 1.5 cm on the right side in A4 format (210 mm X 297 mm).

3.5. Line spacing is 1.15 spaces.

3.6. Links are given at the bottom of the page, the author and name of the literature are indicated, the city in which the publishing house is located, the name of the publishing house (they are given in the same language and alphabet in which they are presented), the year of publication, the page number from which the opinion is taken or based, in compliance with the established punctuation systems. For example:

Қуронов М. Биз англаётган ҳақиқат. – Тошкент: Маънавият, 2008. – 152 б.

Botcheva L., Shih J., Huffman L. C. Emphasizing Cultural Competence in Evaluation:
A Process-Oriented Approach // American Journal of Evaluation. 2009. Volume 30. #2.
pp. 176-188.

Дзлиев М.И., Романович А.Л., Урсул А.Д. Проблемы безопасности: теоретико-методологические аспекты. – Москва: МГУК, 2001. – С. 9.

This procedure also applies to Internet data. For example:

Солонин С. И., Кортов С. И. Качество образования: проблемы и задачи изменения внутренней среды ВУЗа // Университетское управление. – Москва, 2004. – № 2. – С. 1. 

Ўзбекистон Республикаси Вазирлар Маҳкамасининг 2020 йил 10 июндаги “Ўзбекистон Республикаси Маҳалла ва оилани қўллаб-қувватлаш вазирлиги ҳузуридаги “Маҳалла ва оила” илмий-тадқиқот институти фаолиятини ташкил этиш тўғрисида”ги 367-сон қарори //

3.7. Last and first name, place of work, scientific degree of the author and title of the article, as well as annotations and keywords in Uzbek (annotatsiya, tayanch so‘zlar), Russian (аннотация, ключевые слова) and English (annotation, keywords) and languages are formatted in accordance with text. Annotation should be 2-3 sentences, keywords 10-15 words.

Tables, figure numbers and notes are placed to the right of their top part.

3.8. Articles are accepted in length of 8-10 pages.

3.9. The editorial office accepts paper and electronic versions of the article.


  1. Review of articles

4.1. Based on the above-mentioned requirements of the journal, the articles are subjected to preliminary examination for its acceptance by the executive secretary of the journal.

4.2. Articles submitted for publication in the journal are registered in a special journal and submitted to experts for review within 5 working days.

4.3. Articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by experienced experts in the relevant field based on electronic or written reviews. The expert's confidentiality is maintained.

4.4. Articles not recommended for publication on the basis of expert opinion are not returned to the authors.


  1. The author is personally responsible for the accuracy of the facts in the article.
  2. The author is responsible for plagiarism of information and violation of copyright in accordance with the law.

The journal operates online through the website and regularly provides information about articles published in each issue of the journal.

Telegram bot assistant of the electronic scientific journal “Society, Gender and Family in Central Asia”: @IB_murojaatbot.