2022-yil. 2-son.

2022-yil. 2-son.
Published: 20-03-2025


Domestic violence and abuse against women: causes, consequences, and solutions
Nurullaeva Umida Nuriddinovna

The article outlines the need for a scientific understanding of violence and harassment as a negative manifestation of social relations and behavior in all societies, including families. Based on research and observations, the main forms, causes and consequences of domestic violence are classified, and women are identified as the main vulnerable group. The national experience of protecting women victims of domestic violence and harassment was studied based on the analysis of legal documents and assistance mechanisms

Legal analysis of the system of assistance to women victims of harassment and violence in our country
Alimov Sardor Komil ugli

The legal system in our country related to working with women who have suffered of harassment and violence, their social integration and rehabilitation is analyzed in this article. Opinions were expressed regarding the normative legal documents adopted in this field in recent years and their practical significance. The author has put forward many development proposals of the system of support for women and their children who have been subjected to pressure and violence

Socio-economic issues of youth career guidance based on a gender approach
Egamberdieva Nodira Melibaevna, Xonturaev Bobur

In this article, the authors studied the socio-economic issues of directing young people to a profession based on a gender approach, and also developed scientific proposals and practical recommendations for the implementation of best practices in our country

Psychological recommendations for working with women whose spouses have gone missing
Abdurakhmonova Feruza Alisherovna

This article is devoted to the study of the socio-psychological characteristics of women whose husband was lost, the provision of methodological recommendations for them in prevention of problems and the provision of assistance

Psychological recommendations for preventing housewife syndrome
Abdusamatov Khasanboy Usmonjon ugli, Sharapova Dildorakhon Bakhtiyarovna

This article is devoted to the study of the socio-psychological characteristics of housewives, as well as the provision of guidelines for the prevention of problems and the provision of assistance

Theoretical and political evolution of democratic reforms in New Uzbekistan
Kurbanov Eldar Ermamatovich

The article analyzes the main changes that have taken place in the Republic of Uzbekistan after 2016, the result of the implementation of the concept of “from national renaissance to national rise” in the process of public administration. In addition, the conceptual foundations for determining the principle of people’s power as a priority task of the policy of New Uzbekistan are

Prospects for the use of information and communication technologies in education
Yakubov Odiljon Tolibjon ugli

The article details the importance of modern methods of using information and communication technology tools in the educational process

The psychological impact of migration relations on family stability in the context of globalization
Juraeva Shakhnoza Saadmuratovna

Modern labor migration is characterized by such aspects as the increase in the flow of migrants, the increase in the number of women and children, and the inclusion of new labor migration. In the 21st century, along with the issues of migration and labor migration, the problem of the impact of migration on the well-being of families is showing its urgency. The article analyzes the process of migration from a psychological and social point of view, and presents the results of research on the role of migration relations in the stability of families.

Psychological recommendations for working with women whose husbands are serving sentences in prison
Sa’dullaeva Jamilakhon Ibodilla kizi

This scientific article gives recommendations on improving the mental state of women whose husbands are serving at places of deprivation of liberty, on readaptation to life in society and the organization of psychological and rehabilitation work

Mechanisms for psychological work with women whose spouses have died
Odilbekov Mansurbek Makhmudjon ugli

This article is devoted to providing methodological recommendations for organizing psychological and psychoprophylactic measures in working with women whose spouses have died

Methodological recommendations for working with women whose spouses are disabled or mentally ill
Tashkenbaeva Dilafruz Bakhtiyor kizi

This article is dedicated to providing methodical recommendations on the organization of psychological work with women whose husbands are disabled or mentally ill