Family, women and social life electronic scientific journal

Oila, xotin-qizlar va ijtimoiy hayot elektron ilmiy jurnali

Jurnal mahalla va oila institutlarini mustahkamlash hamda gender tengligiga oid barcha ijtimoiy masalalar sohasida fanlararo fundamental, ilmiy-amaliy tadqiqotlar va innovatsion g‘oyalarni tatbiq etishga ixtisoslashgan nashrdir.


Current Issue

2021. Issue 4.
Published: 12-03-2025


Socio-psychological characteristics of families on the verge of separation
Chief Editor

This article discusses the socio-psychological characteristics of the reasons for coming
to the brink of divorce. The studies conducted in the world and in Uzbekistan are analyzed. The article gives
psychological advice on preventing of divorces

Socio-psychological characteristics of family relationships in Eastern values ​​and Islam
Chief Editor

This article describes the socio-psychological features of the relationship of family
relations with Eastern values and Islamic teachings. The concepts of religion, family, values are explained.
It is emphasized that the preservation of family values is an important factor in the exchange of generations.

Parental competence as a pedagogical problem
Chief Editor, Рузиева Гавхар Абдумалик кизи

The article discusses the definition and essence of parental competence, determines its specificity and role in the upbringing of a child.

The influence of problematic families on the formation of deviant behavior during adolescence
Chief Editor

The article highlights the role and importance of family and family upbringing methods in the development of the child’s personality. It also reveals the main factors of family upbringing in the formation of deviant behavior in the child’s personality. In particular, the analysis of scientific theoretical data on the authority of parents in the family, the methods and techniques used in the process of upbringing, the formation of deviant behavior in the adolescent.

Sociological "portrait" of female unemployment in the context of a pandemic (using Uzbekistan as an example)
Chief Editor

The problem of female unemployment remains one of the most urgent for several decades
and is largely due to the transformational processes in society. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated
this inequality and made many gender-related issues visible, including the labor market. On the basis of a
comprehensive analysis of statistical data, materials of sociological and scientific research, the characteristic
features of female unemployment in Uzbekistan were identified and proposals for its reduction were presented.

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