Family, women and social life electronic scientific journal

Oila, xotin-qizlar va ijtimoiy hayot elektron ilmiy jurnali

Jurnal mahalla va oila institutlarini mustahkamlash hamda gender tengligiga oid barcha ijtimoiy masalalar sohasida fanlararo fundamental, ilmiy-amaliy tadqiqotlar va innovatsion g‘oyalarni tatbiq etishga ixtisoslashgan nashrdir.


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 8 (2023)
Published: 30-03-2023


Jamiyatdagiqadriyatlarni organishning nazariy-uslubiy jihatlari
Sobir Xodjayev, Shuhrat Ermatov

The article discusses the concept of «value» as the basis of a person’s worldview, its interpretation and meaning in different eras (the ancient period, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the new era, the era of market relations), aspects of the concept of «value», analyzes the role of traditional values in society.

Oiladagi ijtimoiy-ma'naviy muhitnisoglomlashtirishda qaynonalarning roli
Dildora Yulchiyeva

In the article it is said that today in order to improve the socio-spiritual environment in the family, first of all, it is necessary to improve the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, eliminate mutual conflicts to preserve the sanctity of the family and its stability in religious beliefs, which impacts on its socio-spiritual environment. Also, based on examples, ideas on how to get rid of destructive views are presented.

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