2022. Issue 1.

2022. Issue 1.
Published: 18-03-2025


Matrix of corporate leadership competencies in the context of social management
Kholiqova Mohira Kundibayevna

The article analyzes the current problems of corporate management, in particular, corporate governance in the context of globalization, the matrix of professional competencies of a modern leader.

Improving organizational and economic mechanisms for building women's competence
Arabov Nurali Uralovich, Nasimov Dilmurod Abdulloevich

The article discusses the goals and objectives of the formation of women’s competence in the republic, the basic principles for the effective use of the potential of women, and the process of developing a model for the formation of their intellectual competencies

Advanced foreign experience in further enhancing the role of women in education and science
Egamberdieva Nodira Melibaevna, Xonturayev Bobur

This article analyzes the activities of women in the field of education and science, studies the experience of foreign countries in enhancing the role of women in the field of education and science, and develops scientific proposals and practical recommendations for the implementation of best practices in our country.

Political transformations in Uzbekistan in the field of social protection of disabled people
Kholikulova Kh.Yu.

This article highlights political changes in the field of social protection of disabled people. At present, the issue of accessibility of the social environment and the integration of disabled people into society is an urgent issue, since the need for a comprehensive solution to the tasks of improving the level of realization of the rights of disabled people is one of the main social aspects of modern society. Today, social protection of disabled people in society in modern conditions of negative
demographic trends in the development of Uzbekistan is becoming an urgent socio-economic task. This concerns reducing the shortage of personnel and the social burden on public consumption funds. This article analyzes the socio-political factors affecting the integration of disabled people into society: their standard of living, key problems of social protection at the state level, factors affecting their employment, state programs aimed at teaching disabled people different professions and improving their qualifications.

The role of national crafts in ensuring a stable environment in the family
Yulchieva Dildora Kxabibullaevna

The thesis of this dissertation is to teach our youth national crafts based on national values in maintaining stability in the family, so as not to waste time

Socio-psychological foundations of organizing psychological services in the healthcare system
Narmetova Yulduzkhan Karimovna

This article discusses the problems of organizing psychological services in health care organizations, the analysis of research and practical work in this area, as well as the introduction of the position of “medical psychologist” to provide convenient and quality medical and psychological care to the population, socio-psychological bases are covered

Forms of public control of citizens' self-government bodies
Norkulov Khusniddin Dusbekovich, Djumanov Sherzod Salayevich

The article covers topical issues of developing and improving mechanisms for establishing effective public control over the activities of citizens ‘self-government bodies and their improvement. The article discusses several forms of organization of public controlby citizens’ selfgovernment bodies, i.e. appeals and inquiries to government agencies; participation in open board meetings of government agencies; public discussion; public hearing; public monitoring; public expertise; public opinion research; citizens’ self-government bodies have studied the reports and information of government officials, and provided practical suggestions and methodological recommendations for the effective implementation of work in this area.

Studying the specific features of the concept of gender culture as a social phenomenon
Bayjonov Furkat Bakhramovich

The article provides information on the main reforms that have been carried out in recent years in order to study the specifics of the concept of gender culture as a social phenomenon, as well as gender culture

Foreign experience in developing and supporting entrepreneurship among women
Aduramanov Khamid Khudаybergenovich, Zokirov Shuhrat

The article discusses the experience of many foreign countries in the development of entrepreneurship and business among women, support for them in this area. Based on this experience, proposals have been cultuvated for the development of entrepreneurship among women in our country.

Mechanisms to increase women's economic activity
Mambetjanov Kahramon Kurbandurdiyevich, Ibragimov Lutfullo Ziyodullaevich

This article describes the reforms carried out to protect the rights and legitimate interests of women, increase their economic, social and political activity, presents the results of a sociological survey conducted to develop new socio-economic mechanisms for the employment of unemployed women. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations for improving the system of
social support for women have been developed.

Patterns of functioning of the family as a system
Babadjanova Nargis

The author of the article refers to one of the leading approaches to the analysis of the family, namely, from the point of view of the family as a system. The main provisions of this approach are two basic statements: 1) the whole is greater than the sum of its parts 2) all parts and processes of the whole mutually influence and mutually condition each other. The article also publishes the results of a study of the parameters of cohesion and flexibility of family systems in our region, carried out as part of the final qualification work.

Psychological factors of cognitive disorders in children with autism syndrome
Avezova Durdona Gafurjon kizi

The article presents the psychological factors of disorders of cognitive processes in children with autism syndrome, as well as its practical aspects. Omillarni psychological analysis, which hinders the vital activity of children with autism syndrome, analyzes the characteristics of sociopsychological service in the system, the implementation of their successful socialization, taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of children with autism syndrome. Also, the results of experimental studies conducted on this scientific problem are given.

Local government in the Republic of South Korea
Sodikov Furkat Fatulloyevich

This article describes the structure of government in the Republic of Korea, as well as the division, definition and functions of local government

Psychological impact of professional identification of medical staff on the spiritual and moral environment of the family and community
Nurmatov Azizbek Nuralievich

В статье представлены теоретические сведения, являющиеся неотъемлемой частью медицинской и профессиональной деятельности, которые могут быть освоены практикующими специалистами по уходу за детьми в процессе профессиональной деятельности. Приведен анализ содержания воспитания детей в профессиональной деятельности медицинской сферы

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