Theoretical and political evolution of democratic reforms in New Uzbekistan


  • Kurbanov Eldar Ermamatovich


The article analyzes the main changes that have taken place in the Republic of Uzbekistan after 2016, the result of the implementation of the concept of “from national renaissance to national rise” in the process of public administration. In addition, the conceptual foundations for determining the principle of people’s power as a priority task of the policy of New Uzbekistan are


strategy social development political renewal

Author Biography

Kurbanov Eldar Ermamatovich

Gulistan State University, Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs, Faculty of Socio-Economics, independent researcher


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How to Cite

Eldar Ermamatovich, K. (2025). Theoretical and political evolution of democratic reforms in New Uzbekistan. Family, Women and Social Life Electronic Scientific Journal, 34–43. Retrieved from





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