Oiladagi ijtimoiy-ma'naviy muhitnisoglomlashtirishda qaynonalarning roli


  • Dildora Yulchiyeva
    «Oila va xotin-qizlar» ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti


In the article it is said that today in order to improve the socio-spiritual environment in the family, first of all, it is necessary to improve the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, eliminate mutual conflicts to preserve the sanctity of the family and its stability in religious beliefs, which impacts on its socio-spiritual environment. Also, based on examples, ideas on how to get rid of destructive views are presented.


family complicated family relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship between spouses relationship between parents and children upbringing of children

Author Biography

Dildora Yulchiyeva,
«Oila va xotin-qizlar» ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti

Ilmiy xodimi


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https ://quranenc. com/uz/broM>se/uzbek_sadiq/3 0

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Oiladagi ijtimoiy-ma'naviy muhitnisoglomlashtirishda qaynonalarning roli


How to Cite

Yulchiyeva, D. (2024). Oiladagi ijtimoiy-ma’naviy muhitnisoglomlashtirishda qaynonalarning roli. Family, Women and Social Life Electronic Scientific Journal, 1(8), 15–26. Retrieved from https://oila-ilmiy.uz/index.php/family-social-life/article/view/9



