Improving organizational and economic mechanisms for building women's competence


  • Arabov Nurali Uralovich
  • Nasimov Dilmurod Abdulloevich


The article discusses the goals and objectives of the formation of women’s competence in the republic, the basic principles for the effective use of the potential of women, and the process of developing a model for the formation of their intellectual competencies


labor market competence labor activity intellectual competence

Author Biographies

Arabov Nurali Uralovich

Samarkand State University

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Nasimov Dilmurod Abdulloevich

Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Doctor of Economics


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How to Cite

Nurali Uralovich, A., & Dilmurod Abdulloevich, N. (2025). Improving organizational and economic mechanisms for building women’s competence. Family, Women and Social Life Electronic Scientific Journal, 98–103. Retrieved from





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